Saturday, 13 July 2019

Some more stream of consciousness nonsense

Flowers grow
From fever dreams
And I crawl into your vase
To find comfort 
In the cushion of 
Your ability to see through.
My head sinks 
My thoughts leak
And dissolve 
In the fragrance of your words

And the worlds that they create.

Sorry Shrida, I could easily call this Mirrors or something but who’s watching? Hehe

There are no mirrors
In this house of glass
Reflections are mere shadows
Slivers of life on every surface
Reminding me
In an attempt to not
I am only singular
And self-contained
Maybe mirrors can teach me

How to look again

Thursday, 4 July 2019

This one’s called “F”

Fistfights for finality 
Fitting Food for thought 
And forced first-letter formations
Like this one
Lie in their graves 
Only Fickle fantasies.
Like fertile fires
On fertile lands,
Forbidden fears
Fester under
Fellowships and followings and
Fingernail fashion magazines
Pictures of food
Fast cars 
And other feelgood fairytales
Father our expectation
For failure. 

Here’s one more, I haven’t done this in some time

The scabs on your feet
fade away 
like rust on rainy days
burning all bodies 
with time
there are no right answers
only directions
for you and I to go
sometimes we collide 

sometimes we do not.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

I’m sick of titles

The mountain calls out
For shapes in the sky
A breeze takes you
Away from the mist
Your nights are full and bleak
You’re all wrapped up in sheets
Hair raised eyes closed
Swallowed spit upturned 
Widowed birds uncurled
All your life you climbed
For this
Maybe you made a bluff 
On a winner
And folded

Thinking you’ve lost.